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Monday, June 11, 2012

World War 2 by Alysha McKenzie

Comments for Glogster:

  History TeacherYou did well with your project . You included key people and all but do not forget that there were other countries involved . Also , i love the American Flag background . It emphasizes American History and was very creative .


Math Teacher Nils : Your glogster was creative and incentive but , could have been more interesting . Parabolas are all about the numkbers , and not the object created .One of the most beautiful things about numbers is their lack of finality. They are infinite which means that our exploration of them will take an infinitely long amount of time. It means that right when we think we've discovered all that we can about numbers, there will be something more to discover. We'll realize that if we extend super-exponents to their logical extensions we'll have super-duper-exponents, and super-duper exponents with imaginary numbers operate through a pattern undeniably awesome. Math is not bound by our boring reality. It exists in a fantasy world that can't be hijacked by our petty desires for usefulness and reason. It is an exploration of pure objectivity that cannot ever end and has no final.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Men in Black 3

Men in Black 3


A Penny Saved by Kaveta Bangarie

1)How does the interest rate encourage household saving?
      Interest rates encourage household savings becaue overtime the more interest you have , the larger amount of money you will acquire with your household savings .

2)How does household saving foster economic growth?
      It fosters economic growth because when you take all of your household savings to the bank you are able to gain interest if you levae the money in the bank for an extended amount of time .

3)How does saving vary over a person's lifecycle?
   Savings  vary over a persons lifetime due to compund interest and interest rates .
4)Where are some places where people can save?
Some places that people can save in Banks , federal reserves , stores , grocery stores , even in school .

5) Show and explain how to use the compound interest formula . Say Juan invests $50 at 10% for
30 years (compounded annually). How much will Juan have at the end of 30 years? $50

A Penny Saved by Alysha Mckenzie

1)How does the interest rate encourage household saving?
      Interest rates encourage household savings becaue overtime the more interest you have , the larger amount of money you will acquire with your household savings .

2)How does household saving foster economic growth?
      It fosters economic growth because when you take all of your household savings to the bank you are able to gain interest if you levae the money in the bank for an extended amount of time .

3)How does saving vary over a person's lifecycle?
   Savings  vary over a persons lifetime due to compund interest and interest rates .
4)Where are some places where people can save?
Some places that people can save in Banks , federal reserves , stores , grocery stores , even in school .

5) Show and explain how to use the compound interest formula . Say Juan invests $50 at 10% for
30 years (compounded annually). How much will Juan have at the end of 30 years? $50

The Avengers


Cartoon Avengers

Snow white and the Huntsman


                                                                 Snow White and the Huntsman

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wango Tango 2012


Wango Tango:
Wango Tango is an annual day-long concert produced on by local Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM. The concert series has been staged at various venues around southern California including Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Angel Stadium in Anaheim, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in Irvine, Staples Center in Los Angeles and now at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA.
The concert series is noted for featuring several marquee performers in a day long series of sets. Often, noted celebrities are on hand to introduce each act. The concert concept was conceived by the General Manager of KIIS FM at the time, Roy Laughlin.

            - Justin Bieber
            - Adam Levine
            - Nicki Minaj
            - J. cole
            - Wiz Khallifa
            - B.O.B        
                        - Pitbull
                        - Gym class heroes
                        - And more...



Voki Introduction

voki examples


Monday, April 30, 2012


OBO, Central African Republic (AP) — Deep in the jungle, this small, remote Central African village is farther from the coast than any point on the continent. It's also where three international armies have zeroed in on Joseph Kony, one of the world's most wanted warlords.
Obo was the first place in the Central African Republic that Kony's Lord's Resistance Army attacked in 2008; today, it's one of four forward operating locations where U.S. special forces have paired up with local troops and Ugandan soldiers to seek out Kony, who is believed likely to be hiding out in the rugged terrain northwest of the town. For seven years he has been wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity after his forces cut a wide and bloody swath across several central African nations with rapes, abductions and killings.
Part of the LRA's success in eluding government forces has been its ability to slip back and forth over the porous borders of the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Congo. But since late last year, U.S. forces have been providing intelligence, looking at patterns of movement, and setting up better communications to link the countries' forces together so that they can better track the guerrilla force.
Sent by President Barack Obama at the end of 2011, the 100 U.S. soldiers are split up about 15 to 30 per base, bringing in American technology and experience to assist local forces.
Exact details on specific improvements that the American forces have brought to the table, however, are classified, to avoid giving Kony the ability to take countermeasures.
"We don't necessarily go and track into the bush but what we do is we incorporate our experiences with the partner nation's experiences to come up with the right solution to go out and hopefully solve this LRA problem," said Gregory, a 29-year-old captain from Texas, who would only give his first name in accordance with security guidelines.
The U.S. troops also receive reports from local hunters and others that they help analyze together with surveillance information.
"It's very easy to blame everything on the LRA but there are other players in the region — there are poachers, there are bandits, and we have to sift that to filter what is LRA," he said.
Central African Republic soldiers largely conduct security operations in and around the town, while Ugandan soldiers, who have been in the country since 2010, conduct longer-range patrols looking for Kony and his men.
Since January, they have killed seven LRA fighters in the area and captured one, while rescuing 15 people abducted by the group including five children, said their local commander, Col. Joseph Balikuddembe.
There has been no contact with the LRA since March, however, according to Ugandan Army spokesman Col. Felix Kulayigye, who said the LRA now is in survival mode. The LRA is thought to today number only around 150 to 300 die-hard fighters.
"They're hiding," he said. "They are not capable of doing."
But with Kony still around, there are wide ranging-fears that the LRA will be able to rebuild.
"There's periods of time when the LRA will lie low when the military pressure is too high or where there's a threat that they don't understand such as the American intervention," said Matthew Brubacher, a political affairs officer with the U.N.'s mission in Congo, who was also an International Criminal Court investigator on the Kony case for five years.
[Related: U.S. synchs hi-tech and nomad intel in hunt for Kony]
"But then after a while after they figure it out, if they have the opportunity they'll try to come back, so it's just a matter of time they'll try to come back. Kony always said 'if I have only 10 men, I can always rebuild the force."
Right now, expectations are high of the Americans serving in Obo and Djema in the Central African Republic, as well as those in Dungu in Congo and Nzara in South Sudan.
"For all the communities, the U.S. bases in Obo and Djema means one, Kony will be arrested, and two, there will be a lot of money for programs, humanitarian programs," said Sabine Jiekak of the Italian humanitarian aid agency Coopi.
Central African Republic Deputy Defense Minister Jean Francis Bozize said it's been difficult for the poor country's small military to deal with Kony in the southeast as well as several other militant groups in the north.
An African Union mission expected to begin later this year should help expedite the cross-border pursuit of the LRA.
In the meantime, Bozize said the American forces could make a big difference.
"The involvement of U.S. forces with their assistance in providing information and intelligence will allow for all forces to operate from the same base-level of intelligence ... (giving) better coordination with better results," he told reporters in the capital, Bangui.
But the military mission is not a simple one.
How do you find small groups of seasoned fighters hidden deep in the jungle, who have eluded authorities for decades? How do you prevent brutal reprisal attacks on civilians? How can you bring together several countries' troops to cooperate on cross-border pursuits?
The LRA usually attacks late at night, then melts back away into the jungle. Seasoned bush fighters, they employ many techniques to elude pursuit — walking along rocks or along streams to avoid leaving tracks, for example, and sometimes even marching backward to fool trackers.
Kony has reportedly stopped using radios and satellite phones for communications, instead relying on an elaborate system involving runners and multiple rendezvous points.
Key to his capture is good information from local residents — which they will only give when they can be sure of their own safety, according to American commanders.
"The population have to believe that they are secure and once they believe they are secure from the LRA, you start to deny the LRA the opportunity to attack villages to get people, to get food, to get medicine," Gen. Carter Ham, the head of U.S. Africa Command, told reporters in Stuttgart.
That may take some time in Obo, a town of some 15,000 where around 3,500 people have sought refuge to escape LRA violence in the area.
Rural farmers and others stick to within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the village for safety — originally the area that Central African Republic soldiers were able to patrol but now more a rule of thumb followed by the locals.
They've started recently to venture out farther, emboldened by the presence of the Ugandans and Americans to help the government forces, but are too nervous to stray too wide from the safety of the village.
"They're still scared, they're still wary because Joseph Kony is still out there," said Mayor Joseph Kpioyssrani, looking at the jungle behind him.
Kony's LRA sprung up in 1986 as a rebel movement among the Acholi people in northern Uganda to fight against the Kampala government, but has for decades been leading its violent campaign without any clear political ideology.
Emmanuel Daba, 33, was one of 76 people abducted in the first LRA raid on Obo in 2008 and forced to fight for the guerrillas for two years before managing to escape.
"We were trained to kill — forced to kill — otherwise we'd be killed ourselves," he said outside the tiny radio station where he now works broadcasting messages to try and encourage others with the LRA to defect or escape. "I still have dreams — nightmares."
This year, the U.S. Defense Department is committing $35 million to efforts to find and fight Kony.
Since 2008, the U.S. State Department has sent some $50 million in funds to support the Ugandan military's logistics and non-lethal operations against the LRA, including contracting two transport helicopters to ferry troops and supplies. Another $500 million has been given over that time for the broader northern Uganda recovery effort in the aftermath of Kony's presence there.
In Stuttgart, Ham keeps a "Kony 2012" poster hanging on his office door.
Though he isn't committing to the goal of the viral YouTube campaign to see Kony neutralized by the end of the year, he does define success as either capturing or killing the LRA leader eventually.
"I'm confident that the mission will be successful, but I can't give you a timeline when that's going to occur..." Ham said. "It is one of those organizations that if you remove the senior leader and the small number of those who surround him, I believe this is one of those organizations that will not be able to regenerate."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dick Clark

His Death

Born: November 30,1929
Death: April 18,2012
# Of Children: 3
Types of Jobs: American Bandstand,Game show host,Radio programs,television programs,owns restaurants and theaters
Awards: Peabody award, Emmy award,Rock and roll hall of fame, Daytime Emmy life time achievement award, Hollywood walk of fame, national radio hall of fame,broadcasting magazine hall of fame, and etc.

Blue Bootys

Crazy Old Lady

Crazy Old Lady by Alysha McKenzie
You have ever tried to help your elder fellows and they are rude . Well this si my experience .


Weird House

Funny Quotes

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

- Steve Martin


The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math.

- Ambrose Bierce

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

List of Valentines Day Movies

- He's Just Not That Into you
- I hate Valentines day
- Shes all that
- Valentines Day
- Titanic
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith
- Love actually
- No strings attached
- Dear John
- Head over Heels
- The Note Book
- Crazy,Stupid,Love
- All About Steve
- Two Weeks Notice
- Proposal
- Bridget Jones diary
- Twilight
- A Walk to Remember
- 50 first dates
- John Tucker Must Die
Wordle: whitney houston

Whitney Houston

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Voice recording


Is there some music, band or genre that you know you're supposed to like to but just don't, or have never taken the time to learn what all the fuss is about? Give us some ideas about your musical blind spots."

We would like our vistors to comment on music that  are their "Blind Spots"

Explain and give examples

Classical msuic is like the music composed by artists like Mozart.

Expalin blind spots. What's yours?

Blind spots are when you are suppose to like a type of music but you don't . My blind spot is classical music .

What are your thoughts about this article?

I realy thought that the artcile was unique and trhat it really made me think what was my musical blind spots .Also I believe that autrhor really went into depth about music and his favorite types.
Where are your Musical Blind Spots?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fashion tip of the day

Everyone has different styles and knows what best fits them but, some are afraid to step out of their comfort zone . Well that's what you need to do . Try new things , buy clothes that you never dreamed of wearing , and just try to find a variations of styles that fit you . You never know unless you trya and maybe you will be surprised when your true beauty shines .


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dresses :)

Super Bowl 2012

                                                         Super Bowl Rematch

Eli Manning                                                                                                           Tom Brady